
Posted by Max02 | Labels: , , | Posted On Friday, January 23, 2009 at 2:53 PM
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I hurt.

Don’t worry, it’s not really a “bad” kind of hurt. I hurt because my wife and I went back to the gym two days ago after MONTHS of delinquency.

What happened was, last year, we both got memberships at Gold’s Gym. I got mine first and then Leslie decided she wanted to get one too. This was quite a few months before we got engaged. I was working at another job at the time and had to get up ridiculously early in order to be at work by 8:30am. Since I was used to getting up that early, I decided to go to the gym in the morning. This routine was pretty much hit or miss. I made it just about as much as I didn’t. It got worse the later I started getting to sleep.

Now fast forward to when we got engaged. You’d think we’d be in the gym even more because of the new extracurricular activities we’d be able to engage in just a little down the line. Instead, we stopped going to the gym altogether. We were spending more and more time together, talking on the phone later, and getting less and less sleep, especially as we started planning the wedding and whatnot.

Now it’s 3 ½ months after the wedding and this is the third week since we decided to go back to the gym. This is actually our first time we’ve been back to the gym since our decision. Third time is a charm, I guess. We tried, fruitlessly, to wake up early in the morning and go before work. Yeah, that didn’t work out. So now we’re trying to go right after work on Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s.

Pray for us!

Ok, so we get to the gym, half an hour after work, and it’s pretty much packed; ugh. We find some open treadmills and start warming up. Leslie decides she wants to take a class, so she only jogs for a few minutes and then leaves when the class starts up. I stay on the treadmill and, being the exercise genius that I am, decide to run steady for 30 minutes. I don’t remember how many miles I went. I don’t remember what my average heart rate was. I don’t even remember what speed I was going at for most of the time. All I really remember is that I stared at the clock forever, willing it to go faster, and that, once I got off the blasted thing, I felt like the Bionic Man; kind of disorienting to walk on regular, non-moving ground after you get off a treadmill. There should be a sign or disclaimer or something! I’m just saying.

Anyways, so then I did some weights until Leslie got out of her class. We went home, made some food, watched the rest of American Idol, and went to sleep. Normal.

Two days later, I’ve developed a hatred for stairs, my muscles ache, I don’t know if I’ll be able to play guitar properly tonight, and I’m even more sore than I was yesterday.

Don’t get me wrong, I actually like being sore. It reminds me that I’ve been working out my muscles and that I’ve been active and that I’m still alive. Those are all very good things. What I don’t like is being so sore that I feel like I can’t lift my arms too high in fear of dropping whatever it is I’m holding in my hands. You know?

So this experience got me thinking of heaven a little bit. Weird, I know. How does exercise make one think of Heaven?

"And this reminds me rather of our Lord Jesus!" (300 pts. to whomever gets this reference first)

Ok, seriously, now. So, I’m going about my day, thinking about how sore I am, and then I wonder, “Will there be exercise in Heaven???” I mean, because we’re all going to be perfect when we get to Heaven, right? So, will we NEED to exercise when we get there? Will there be a local gym where all of us can go to relieve our spiritual stress? This also made me wonder what exactly God’s definition of perfect is. I’m fairly certain God has a completely different definition for perfect than we do. I mean, come on, He not only invented the word, but He also just so happens to BE perfect.

So yeah, what do you think about gyms in Heaven? Eric Clapton tells us there’ll be no tears in Heaven. What do you think of that? Will there be crying in Heaven?

Side note: I LOVE Whataburger (pronounced What-a-burger) ketchup. The burgers are great, too. If you haven’t had it, you’d better get in your car and start driving to the nearest one. I once e-mailed them and asked if I could purchase their ketchup in a larger sized container, but, alas, they do not market this wonderful product yet. I need to start a petition…

If there ARE gyms in Heaven, I'm sure they'll have weights made out of gold.


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